Friday, September 26, 2014

Problem with Lexar CF cards and Nikon D810?

Recently, we have had an issue with several different Lexar Professional 400x Compactflash 32GB and 64GB cards and two different Nikon D810 cameras. The cameras would be shooting along normally and then report a card error and stop shooting. When we turned the camera off and back on again the situation fixed itself and the camera continued shooting for awhile, but the same error appeared again randomly.

The Lexar Professional  cards are on the Nikon list of approved cards for the D810, and none of them have the bad serial numbers already reported by Nikon when reporting a compatibility issue with certain Lexar cards and the Nikon D4s and D800. Reformatting the cards did not eliminate the problem. We also use SanDisk cards in the D810, and have not had any problems at all with them.

If you have had a similar problem, please feel free to leave a comment and share your experiences.


  1. I have the same problem... LEXAR 64GB 800x CF cards... same errors on multiple cards... and also upon review of some images there is a RED BOX to indicate that particular image is corrupt... I have been using the LEXAR CF reader, contaced LEXAR their response was to upgrade the card read firmward reformat my card via PC, than also reformat it once placed in my D810 ... still have the SAME PROBLEM usually at about 32GB of shooing (out of 64) I get the card error screen.

  2. I have exactly same problem.
    Happened on Nikon D810 with two Lexar 400X 64GB cards, as well as Transcend 400X 32 GB. Those Lexar cards are not the vintages of 8BAFBE or 8DCB61.

    Manual continuous shooting stops with ERR indication sporadically.

  3. Have had this happen twice now. I thought it was the card so I sent it back...and today the same thing happened again.

  4. i have the same issue with D810 and Lexar 400X 64GB CF. Random errors in both stills and movie recording.

  5. Same issue with D810 Lexar Pro 800x 32gb. Card reading errors, went online with Lexar and they recommended reformat with Lexar Image Rescue 5 and that should solve problem but it did not. Lexar card serials end with last six digits/letters DEF766.

  6. Same issue with D810 Lexar Pro 800x 32gb. 2 carsa with the D810 and the D4s

  7. Same issue, sent the original card back and the replacement also randomly shows a CF error message on my D810. Really annoying especially given its random nature. Is it a Lexar or Nikon Problem?

  8. im having the exact same issue. Has anyone figured out if this is a Lexar or Nikon issue? I am thinking about exchanging my D810 in case it is a bug in the camera.

  9. It doesn't seem to happen with other cards. I've been using Sandisk cards without any problem at all.

  10. I have the same problem with the Transcend 64GB 400x with my D810. Can it be a camera problem?

  11. Same exact problem here. Had a minor panic attack at a wedding because of it. Has there been a solution for it?

  12. Yesterday - bride coming down aisle and I got a card error from a 64GB Lexar (formatted the night before) in my D810.

  13. Yikes! Nothing worse than that. I know your heart had to sink at than moment. Sorry.

  14. This appears to be a Lexar problem ... other manufacturers are reporting similar issues with their 32/64GB CF Cards ....

  15. It is a Lexar issue - 100%. I have both Lexar CF 32G and Sandisk 32G cards in my D810 and it happens only with the Lexar (Card Error). The first time that happened, I thought I lost all the pictures. But when I switch the camera off and on, the problem resolves temporarily. I sent the card back to Lexar and the problem happens even with the replacement they sent back to me (assuming they did replace it). No problems at all with the Sandisk - works like a charm.

    1. Sorry it is not just a Lexar problem, my 810 is doing the same thing with Lexar sandisk and transend, spoke with Nikon support and it appears to be a card slot problem.
      A lot of the 810's were sent out to dealers and reviewers and a lot of them were reported to have CF card errors. Sent mine back, hope the other is ok.

  16. I have had this happen on one of my D810s a while ago, then it just happened on my brand new D810 with a brand new card. Is Nikon doing anything about this? It seems to happen more with larger 64GB cards.

  17. Have had this happen with D810 and brand new Lexar 32GB, my older Lexar 32GB as well as Lexar 8GB. I didn't start noting the card since when it first happened, switching cards didn't relieve the error, so I assumed it was a camera issue. But, I am almost certain it had also happened with one of my SanDisk cards, too. When I was on the phone with Nikon service the first time, I was able to get the camera to perform the error, we went through all the trouble shooting (return to factory setting, insert card, reformat), when the error occurred. I turned it off (which sometimes the camera won't power off, so I have to eject battery as well), inserted a different card, formatted, and got the error again. At this point, the Nikon guy said that it couldn't be a card issue, it must be a camera issue. Fast forward three months and 3 returns to service, problem happened again today! All cards work flawlessly on my D800 which I have used the last three months between repairs. I am at my wits end and they don't seem to open to the idea that something is wrong with the camera. I can't operate my business like this, am losing money!!

  18. I have an 800E, SD cards are fine but CF cards are not seen at all (recommended or otherwise).
    I bought this for the extra resolution the 'E' version gives but wanted the second slot to act as back-up for the primary card - useless.

  19. Got my 2 new 1066x Lexar Pro 128 GB today an inserted one in my D810 to replace a many year old 800x Lexar Pro 16 GB that sometimes feel to slow, especially when shooting long exposures in the dark. Both of the cards cannot be read, formatted or used in any way. In the card reader coupled to my computer, both seem fine. Tried formatting them on the Mac, but same result. Not usable in the D810. Any tip to make them work?
    Firmware on D810 is the latest.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I have the same problem! someone has somehow resolved?

  22. I had the same problem with my camera (Nikon D810) and my CF-card (Lexar 64GGB Professional 800x). However, as someone on another forum suggested, I tried to format the CF-card under Windows and then it seems as if the problems with the card errors have disappeared.

    Now, that I have upgraded my camera to the latest firmware (C:Ver.1.11), I will try to format the CF-card using my camera and see if the problem reappear.

  23. I have the same problem with Compac Flash Lexar 256Gb 600x, 128 GB and a brand new 128GB 160mb/s sands

  24. I have the same problem - every body here has unanimously agreed but what have the vendors (Lexar and Nikon)done about it? I'd like to know...

  25. Same problem with 4 Lexar CF Pro 800X 64Gb with Nikon D810. Terrible!!! I wait solutions of Lexar...

  26. 2017. Brand new Lexar Pro 1066 128GB. Format failure on 2-year-old D810. Will try firmware update on camera. Also trying full format of CF on desktop (PC running Win7Pro). So far, zero success. For two powerhouse labels (Nikon and Lexar) to allow this problem to persist is really disconcerting. Were I on their development and sales teams, I'd be tackling this problem lickety-split.

  27. I have the same problem... LEXAR profesional 1066x 128Gb udma7 firmware 1.12 verify win7 and linux and is ok, nikon d-810 fail
