Monday, August 8, 2016

The Hudson Valley with a Fuji X-Pro2 and 14mm lens

This past weekend I was visiting a friend who has a home surrounded by forest in the Hudson Valley. For me this is the perfect equation to do some nature photography. I had several camera systems with me to do stills, videos, and even 360º virtual reality panoramas. Here are some of color impressions I did of the surrounding forests at sunset with the Fuji 14mm f/2.8 lens on an X-Pro2. The blurs were done in camera with a low shutter speed.

In my next post I will show some of the monochrome interpretations I did of the same area.


  1. As usual, great inspiration Thom! Many thanks!
    Do you think this kind of imagines are suitable for stock?

  2. Thank you.
    You could use images like this in stock today. They serve as moody backgrounds. I've noticed an up tick in sales from stock images like these over the past year. I create them to be used as art prints, however.

  3. Thank you. I live close to forest, so it's one of my usual subjects, but I find Summer time to be the most difficult in the forest... I need to try something different and this is of great inspiration.


    BTW: What kind of equipment are you using for your video work?
