I simply left the X-Pro2 on auto ISO and auto exposure because I knew it would easily handle this scene, plus I wanted to be able to shoot very quickly to take advantage of impromptu moments. Times Square at night is much brighter than you might realize. My auto-ISO was fluctuating all over the place from 320-4000, but stayed mostly around 640.
I processed the RAW images using both the Vivid and Provia color modes from Adobe camera RAW. I needed the RAW images to bring in the blasted out highlights of the brightly lit signs as I shot for the mid-tones. When photographing in Times Square it is best to start shooting earlier than sunset to balance out the lights with the natural light. I began my project rather late, just after sunset and paid for it with the blasted out highlights.
Below is a sampling of the essay in all its colorful glory.
What a Mad House. I'll take Hong Kong or Tokyo anytime b/4 NY.