I am spending the Christmas holiday week in a cabin in the Catskills near Woodstock. The cabin is surrounded by woods with a typical stone fence running through it -- one of my favorite photo subjects. When packing for the trip, it didn't take me long to lock into the camera system I wanted to have with me. I decided on the Fuji X-T1 and Fuji X100T. For the X-T1 I packed the 18-135mm as my main lens, and included the Zeiss 56mm macro for close-ups along with the 35mm f/1.4 an 56mm f/1.2 for interior available light shots. I also have the 50-140mm f/2.8 with me so I can use it with the new Fuji 1.4x telextender I am testing.
I decided to use my week in the woods as a time for experimenting with a variety of techniques I had been wanting to try.
The forest with the stone fence zig-zagging through it shot here in my platinum technique to be printed later as a Peiziograph. print. |
A light rain fell most of the second day bringing with it a mist in the afternoon, which is when I took this photo. One thing I wanted to experiment with was the further softening technique I added to the image later in post-processing. |
For this sunset image I tilted the camera up during a 1.5 second exposure to cause the vertical blurring. |
By the end of the day the tiny creek running by the cabin had swelled to a fast flowing stream. I took this time lapse photo of the creek at sunset with an ND filter to slow the shutter down to 30 seconds at f/9 and the 18-135mm zoom set to 18mm. |
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