Saturday, June 3, 2017

Keeping it simple with the Fuji X-Pro2 and 18-55mm zoom

I love the vegetation I find here in Florida. So I always try to keep a camera handy to record it when the opportunity arises.  To keep things simple, I settled in on the Fuji X-Pro2 with the original 18-55mm zoom lens.  It doesn't give me the extensive coverage of my other favorite lens, the 18-135mm Fuji zoom, but it is convenient to carry around all the time and tuck into a bag when I don't need it.

Yesterday I happened upon this banyan tree with some vegetation growing around its base.  Its sculptural beauty looked like a perfect companion for the cameras Acros simulation, which is what I used to capture these images.  I did add my favorite platinum toning effect in post processing along with a vignette to deepen the tonality.

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