Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Photo Grids

Ever since I created one of these grid photos of 25 images of the Empire State Building I have wanted to do some more. Recently, I assembled these three -- one on colorful buildings in Jamiaca, another on the American flag, and a third on New York taxis as a companion piece to the Empire State Building grid-photo.

Because they are assembled from 25 high resolution images, the final photographs are quite large. They make really dramatic 36" x 36" or 48" x 48" plexi prints.

This one is entitled "Taxi!" and even includes some details of the old Checker cab. 

This one is called, "Showing the colors". It includes photos of flags in use, some weathered, many waving proudly, one group hand held at a parade, and even one a light display at Times Square. 

I drove around the island for two days collecting these photos of colorful buildings to put together this crazy quilt grid of Jamaica.


  1. Hi Tom
    Would this be something that you'd sell as stock or as art? I'm interested, because this is similar to something I enjoy doing - I call them "deconstructed landscapes."
    "Taxi!" looks great!

  2. These are intended primarily for art. They make very impressive, large acrylic prints. They could be used for stock, although with these images I couldn't use something like the taxi shot in stock because there are too many logos and taking them out would really destroy the image. I will probably use the flag grid for stock and as an un-editioned art print.

  3. Great idea. I would love to learn about your work flow process to keep all your photos at hand for such a project.

  4. Great job Tom. Question: what software or app did you use to do the photo grids? Thanks.

  5. I assemble the images on layers in Photoshop. First I create a grid template that I then use for all of these assemblies. The grid is made up of guides pulled from the edge rulers. I turn on "snap to guide" so that when I add a new photo layer and start to place it it will snap into place without any gaps between its neighboring images. That's about it.
