Thursday, April 30, 2015

Vacation lifestyle with a Fuji X-T1 kit

It didn't take much to convince me to take my Fuji X-T1 as my main lifestyle camera on location to Miami. I have been working with the camera so much that I now have total confidence in it to deliver the goods in most lifestyle shooting situations.

Below is a set of images taken in a hotel room using my favorite triumverate of indoor, available light lenses -- the Fuji 56mm f/1.2, 35mm f/1.4, and 23mm f/1.4.  Two gold/silver combo reflectors provided a bounce fill from the window light, and that was pretty much it.

The blur in this photo was acieved by shooting past two hand-held champagne glasses placed near the lens in the foreground. 


  1. These are great Tom Beautifully lit. Thanks for sharing. What type of post-processing did you do on the files?


    1. Most of the post-processing was faily straight forward, but to achieve the sun bursts and overall sunny tone in some of the images I add a sun-burst layer I created and another overall sunny tone layer. Both layers are added as "Hard Light" in Photoshop with the opacity dialed down to suit.

      Good question. I think I'll illustrate the technique in a a blog post.

    2. Cool. Thanks. A tutorial would be great. Yeah I saw you had a photoshop tutorial a little while back. Really added a nice atmosphere to the images.....

      Be Well.

  2. Great post and images, the women's feet could be cleaner on image two. The lighting is very good. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Definitely right about the feet being dirty! :) They'll be cleaned up along with a lot of other things when all the shots go through their final post-retouching cleanup.
